A modern, functional family garden

This week’s Love Your Garden garden was for a family and an ex army soldier.
The team created a modern functional space for all of the family’s needs.
There was a military style climbing wall for the children, a quiet relaxing area and a bar that was perfect for entertaining friends. There was even a veg plot in a raised bed with the prized rhubarb.
It’s a shame we don’t have any before images because this garden was an incredible transformation. Even the family couldn’t believe it was theirs!
So what did they do.
Firstly, they levelled the space by removing a tonne of soil and loads of old paving slabs.
The garden was split into zones with a winding path linking all areas.
Frances took over the back of the garden nick-named ‘Crumble corner’ as it was filled with apples, pears, blackberries and Japanese wine berries ready for some home baking.
Frances created the lawn area with a perfectly placed bench painted in Wood Stain and Protect Warm Grey. The climbing wall painted in Wood Stain and Protect Whitewash, looked great and was an immediate hit with the family.
It’s a shame we don’t have any before images because this garden was an incredible transformation. Even the family couldn’t believe it was theirs!
So what did they do.

Firstly, they levelled the space by removing a tonne of soil and loads of old paving slabs.
The garden was split into zones with a winding path linking all areas.
Frances took over the back of the garden nick-named ‘Crumble corner’ as it was filled with apples, pears, blackberries and Japanese wine berries ready for some home baking.
Frances created the lawn area with a perfectly placed bench painted in Wood Stain and Protect Warm Grey. The climbing wall painted in Wood Stain and Protect Whitewash, looked great and was an immediate hit with the family.
David had his drill out again to make a pergola and a bar ready for the entertaining area. It was painted in Wood Stain and Protect Whitewash. He had clearly taken some inspiration from Pinterest as he upcycled a wooden pallet to make a window frame ready for a ‘living’ picture, which he filled with succulents.
Alan filled a planter with venus fly traps and other carnivorous plants……perfect to catch those pesky flies and to keep the boys busy.
They were going for a sophisticated garden and they certainly achieved that with the shades of greys and neutrals.
Get the look with this week’s hero colours
Wood Stain and Protect Warm Grey
Wood Stain and Protect White Wash