Grow your own

Over the lockdowns ‘grow your own’ became a hobby for millions of people. In fact research by Weleda revealed that 26.7 Million Britons grew their own fruit and Veg last year, with 7.4 million trying it for the first time during the pandemic.
This figure may rise further with the soaring cost of living and increase in food prices.
But the good news is anyone can try it. From simple pots with tomatoes or runner beans to hanging baskets with trailing strawberries. All easy to grow and requiring very little space.
Last year ITV’s Love Your Garden did four grow your own specials with Alan Titchmarsh, David Domoney, Katie Rushworth and Frances Tophill.
Frances’s tiny bare courtyard was transformed into a cosy kitchen garden sanctuary full of edible plants. She used the space so creatively with beans growing up a fig tree, a trailing apple tree against a wall, veg and herbs in planters all proving that big ideas can happen in small spaces.
She used our Wood Stain and Protect Warm Stone on the walls and Royal Exterior Saffron to revamp an old metal table and chairs.
For other ideas take a look at these below;

The DIY planter was made out of left-over bits of wood and painted in Timber Eco Shield Dark Brown. It was planted with a variety of lettuces that tasted as good as they looked.

This vertical herb planter is great if you are short of space.
Painted in Wood Stain and Protect Gun Metal Grey, Warm Stone, Warm Grey & Silver Fir.

This raised planter is so simple but works well as everything is in ‘grabbing distance’ without have to kneel! Painted in Timber Eco Shield Moss Green.