Shed & Fence Application Guide

This is a great value economy water-based wood stain that can be applied by brush, HVLP (high volume low pressure) sprayer or roller, although due to the thin consistency of this stain, a roller may be quite messy!


After use clean brush, roller or sprayer components with warm water and detergent.


The first coat will soak in to the timber and the second coat will enrich the colour as it bonds to the first.


1 litre will cover up to 12m2 per coat depending on the moisture content and porosity of the surface. For sheds it is recommended that two coats be applied for the first treatment with only one coat needed for future maintenance. For fencing one coat will colour and weather-proof with a second coat deepening the shade.

Surface Preparation

Surfaces should be cleaned with warm water, detergent and a stiff brush. Make sure that all mould or algae is removed and rinse well. Ensure that timber is fully dry. For best results previous treatments should be removed or well weathered.


Mix well before use. Protek Shed & Fence is a relatively thin wood stain that can be applied by a pump-up garden sprayer, brush or roller. Allow each coat to dry before applying the next. Maintain every 1 to 2 years or as required.


Splashes and drips can only be cleaned with warm water and detergent whilst still wet.


DO NOT apply in temperatures below 5°C or if wet weather is expected within 48 hours.


DO NOT apply to wet, damp or frozen timber.

Drying Time

Touch dry within 2 hours depending on drying conditions and humidity.

Clean Up

Remove excess treatment from the brush or roller and wash with warm water and detergent. Wash nozzle and pipe from sprayer immediately after use with warm water and detergent – do not allow product to dry in sprayer components.


This product and its container must be disposed of in a safe way. Some local authorities have special facilities for the disposal of waste coatings.


Do not empty product into drains, watercourses or access to septic tanks.


Ensure that this container is stored upright and secure during transportation.


Store in the original or sealed container and do not allow product to freeze. If stored correctly product should last 1-2 years.


• Store out of reach of children and animals.
• Ensure good ventilation during application and drying.
• Unprotected persons and animals should be kept away from coated areas for 48 hours or until surfaces are dry.
• Wear suitable protective clothing (overalls) and synthetic rubber/PVC gloves when using.
• Do not breathe spray mist, or wear suitable respiratory equipment (e.g. disposable mask).
• Avoid contact with skin and eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and if necessary seek medical advice.
• Avoid contact by mouth; do not swallow.
• Wash splashes from the skin with plenty of water and detergent.
• Wash hands and exposed skin before meals and after use.

LOW VOC CONTENT: 0.3% - 7.99%. VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) contribute to atmospheric pollution. EU Limit Value for this product (Cat A/e): 150g/l (2007)/130g/l (2010). This product contains max 50g/l VOC.